Terms & Conditions

No warranty and no liability

The material provided in this site is presented solely to improve public access to information about Intezyne, Inc. Intezyne will make reasonable efforts to include accurate and current information, wherever possible, but makes no warranties or representations, expressed or implied, as to its accuracy or completeness. Intezyne will not be liable for any damages, including but not limited to special or consequential damages, that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the material contained in this site. Intezyne may change the content of this site including the terms that govern the use of this site at any time without prior notice but does not assume any responsibility to update the information provided herein.


Forward-looking information

Some of the statements on this site are forward looking. Such statements are inherently subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties, including scientific, business, economic and financial factors and other factors that may cause actual results, performance or achievements of Intezyne and affiliates to be materially different from those expected or anticipated in the forward-looking statements. Intezyne has no responsibility to update the forward-looking statements contained in this site to reflect events or circumstances occurring after the date of publication. You must not rely on this information for investment decisions.


Links to third-party sites

Links to third party sites are provided for convenience only, and the inclusion of any links does not imply endorsement by Intezyne. The linked sites are not under control of Intezyne, and Intezyne disclaims any liability for all third party information and the use of it.


Restrictions on use and submissions

The contents of this site are owned and controlled by Intezyne. No use of any of these may be made without the prior written consent of Intezyne, except for personal, non-commercial purposes. All submissions communicated to Intezyne through this site shall be and remain Intezyne’s property. Intezyne will be entitled to use your submission for any commercial or other purpose whatsoever without paying any compensation to you. Intezyne will be under no obligation to treat your submission as confidential nor to respond to it.


Applicable law and jurisdiction

If you access this site, you do so on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws and regulations.